On my school books
On my desk and trees
On the sand and snow
I write your name
On all pages read
On all white pages
Stone sand paper or ashes
I write your name
On the jungle and desert
On the nests and gorses
On the echo of my childhood
I write your name
On the marvels of nights
On the white bread of days
On the married seasons
I write your name
On the fields on the horizon
On the wings of birds
And on the mill of shadows
I write your name
On each puff of dawn
On the sea on the boats
On the demential mountain
I write your name
On health regained
On risk that is no more
On hope without memories
I write your name
And by the strength of one word
I start over my life
I was born to know you
To name you
Paul éluard.
The original poem is in French, the translation is mine.
—Daniel Guibord